Saturday, 28 February 2009

Bingo !

Well, I just did it on here too .. Immediate result again. Better start learning more about driving traffic then ..


Well, it certainly seems I can do this same thing on my other blogs ... I just went to my old blog "Sufistuff" and did it through the Blogger "Monetise" link. It was immediate and easy .. only requiring that I gave an access permission from my Google account ..
Maybe it was immediate because I have had the site for ages and of course Google had crawled it (at one time I was about number twenty five in the search results for "Sufism" ... ) or maybe it was because it was done by the Blogger link .. Whichever way, it was a lot easier ..
And .. it seems to prove that I can have lots of blogs with adverts on them ..
Perhaps I should just start making some more right away ?
First to look at a couple of fishing blogs !


Well, it seems like Google have accepted the application. I've done most of what they said, though I couldn't find any available custom channels to choose from .. maybe that comes later ?
I've copied and pasted their HTML code in though nothing's appeared yet .. they say to be patient (in my case where Google probably hasn't crawled the site yet, up to 48 hours) .. or maybe I just put it in the wrong place ? I think I have put it to appear under the profile. We'll see.

Another example of twisted values?

This is quite simply and openly a blog set up to try the validity of all the hype around making money from adsense through driving traffic and all that stuff.
SEO .. Search Engine Optimisation .. PPC .. Pay Per Click.
Well, I'm just getting the idea and will be reporting how it goes on here.

I am a self-confessed casualty of all that could possibly go wrong with a person brought up in my generation (born in the early fifties) and have been using some techniques, which I will be talking about here, to "re-program" myself more positively. These include a binaural technology known as Holosync and a self development technique known as The Sedona Method. Both of these I have come to know about on the back of an interest in what may now be loosely termed "non-duality" a way of being and seeing succinctly summed up and well communicated through the very well known books of Eckhart Tolle.

I am a believer when all the analysing and ratiocination is over .. perhaps just that will have created some good enough karma to help me create some income through this site and, if I do, help others to do the same.

It is my contention that making money and good works are not necessarily antagonistic.